What We Do
Broombank Farms LTD
Broombank Farms LTD is a family farming business managed by Graham Forbes and Nicola Fraser (brother & sister). The business was started by our father and grandfather in circa 1967. The farm and business has grown organically throughout this time and we now farm in the region of 3000 acres. This is a mixture of our land and contract work.
We place strong emphasis on both profitability and a ‘regenerative’ approach to farming.
“We pride ourselves by working on a whole farm, long-term approach to maintain and enhance assets”
Commitment to Quality
Commitment to Health and Safety
Commitment to Sustainable Development
Commitment to a Just Transition to Net Zero
Commitment to regenerative agriculture
Commitment to collaboration and joint ventures
Commitment to Nature Friendly Farming
Commitment to being a Fair Work Employer